Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Synagis rescheduled today

Nurse Penny was held up yesterday and rescheduled until today after nap. I hope that things go well today. I have bought Wren a baby Snuggle-bunny to comfort when he realises the poke is coming. We will be in Australia for the next scheduled shot so this will be the last of the year.

Wren woke at 5.10am this morning. I know I shouldn't do it but after daylight saving starts I always spend a week or so converting back to the pre-daylight saving time and saying things like "really he woke up at 4.10am" and "really he went to bed at 7.15pm". It sure felt like it was very early. The ground was hard with frost and the outside thermometer read 20.8 degrees F. Can that be right? Are we in a frost hollow? I had my licorice syrup which I tell Wren is "Mummy's medicine when Wren wakes up too early" and I feel OK now.

When Wren sees me taking it he says "Wren have medicine?"

I tell him he isn't sick so he does fake coughs to qualify for the syrups or potions he desires (but does not get).

This morning he was particularly nutty (from having only 9 hours sleep) running around and throwing heavy objects to 'play' with poor Frost who was thumped and bumped and generally interfered with. Wren is jealous of Frost's books and steals them and runs away with them. When Frost is reading Wren gets his own book (one of mine) from the bookshelf in the living room and sits and reads as quietly as Frost (for a few moments at a time).

I hope that Wren does well with the jet lag and we don't end up awake at 1am in Australia. I am not feeling my most resilient in terms of sleep after this daylight saving ordeal.


Wyndi said...

i hope that your passports do come quickly for you and realy hope that the shot was fast and he is happy and and doing better now. i can't express how much i dreaded those shos for izzy she still trembles at the mention of getting a shot to this day but will hold steady for ivs and blood draws which we call pokes rather than shots to separate them for her. I am sorry that he needed them at this age izzy had her last one when she was 2 also. we celebrated not needing them and the last we went out for lunch and had celebratory cupcakes for desert:) sending our love~wyndi

Shannon said...

I have heard that Frost's has been created!!! Yay for the Great AUSTRALIA.

Synagis was better yesterday because Nurse Penny came while he was nappy and so all the apprehension while she set up was avoided.

He was sad but quickly recovered when given a soda by the nurse.

She also asked for contact material about our support group and will be distributing it to some other parents with young babies with CHDs