Wren is 14 weeks old today and he is generally happy and always fat. He is becoming quite talkative and enjoys making noises in a conversational way.
I say "Wren, are you a fatty?"
He says "Hiyeee?" [grunt grunt]
I say "Are you kicking with your strong legs?"
He says "Aaayd"
We can converse like this for a long time before he loses interest and starts looking at the ceiling. Most conversations happen when he is propped up in his rainforest swinging chair or on the diaper change bed but he also likes to 'talk' when he is lying on his back on the floor.
He has tummy-time a number of times a day but still doesn't like to do it for more than a few minutes without fussing. Lying under the hanging toys in the gymini is still a favored activity and his hand-control has improved dramatically in the past weeks. When I set him on the mat it is only a matter of seconds before he has captured a toy or two and is grunting and tugging at them.
Watching him reminds me of a scientist learning to use a robotic arm. When I put a toy on his belly he opens his arms and hands wide and then brings them together in jerky movements to meet midway. He has trouble estimating distance from his face so his hands do not always meet with the toy, sometimes they clasp each other and miss the toy entirely. As soon as they meet or he grabs something he pulls it towards his mouth. Sometimes he scrunches up his face (plastic or felt toy) but if its a blanket or a hand he sucks on it and gets very slobbery.
Joshua is convinced he's teething. I am not sure. He has been fussy for a few days and chews on his fingers at every opportunity and he is always drooling so its possible. Still, I think Frost was like that for ages with without teeth coming.
One of Wren's favorite daily activities is bathtime. He lies in a little baby-bath which I lay in the filled bath for Frost. Wren kicks and puffs and waves his arms and hoots. He is very animated and gets so vigorous with his splashing that he often gets water on his face. Frost likes to play with Wren and I have to watch that he doesn't dump water on his face. He likes to take aim at Wren with the water pistol and other squirty bath toys. I have let him squirt Wren's belly but I think he is just itching to give Wren a full unsupervised drenching. As soon as I fix him with my beedy eye he starts kissing Wren and saying "I looooooove you Wren" in a parody or at least imitation of my behaviour.
Dinnertime is going well. We are all managing to sit together at table more often than not. Wren sits in his little purple chair on the floor and watches us and a mobile over the table. He is surprisingly content to sit there while we eat and only once has fussed to the point I have to hold him and eat with one hand.
Healthwise, Wren seems to be doing well. His feet are very pink and warm and his capillary refill time is much quicker than post-cath. When I squeezed his feet today the color came back almost immediately. He still breathes fast and gets mildly clammy when nursing at night (he is bundled for bed in PJ and swaddle) or after a lot of crying. He is almost over this cold and his eyes have cleared up but his cough was worse today and he spat up a few times because of coughing fits. If it doesn't improve tomorrow it will be back to the pediatricians at the end of the week to let them listen to his chest. I hope it improves - Josh is still coughing but Frost is now much better too.
Everyone comments how big and healthy he looks. He holds his head up well and likes to look at the mirror in the living room and the leaves of the bay laurel against the white sky. He is still keen on his crib mobile and the
kuba textiles in his bedroom but being talked to is still his favorite activity. He is also a bit of a mimic. Today I practiced raising my eyebrows at him and he responded by raising his. He also sticks his tongue out a bit if you pull at tongue at him and once I made him cry by making a fierce face (I wanted him to copy me, not cry!)
Tomorrow, I hope to go to a postnatal yoga class with Wren. I hope he will be restful enough for us both to enjoy it. I shall post a few pictures tomorrow.