Every second Wednesday is sushi night. Sushi is one of our favorite dinners. Frost loves it and seldom manages to wait past 5.30pm for dinner. Wren enjoys it because he can 'help' and eat avocado, rice balls, chew raw carrot and generally get messy with me. I enjoy it because I get to eat lots of sushi. Joshua has been unpopular lately because Sushi Wednesday seems to be BBQ Wednesday at work and he is often too full for dinner. Still, he generally enjoys it too, prefering the smoked salmon and cream cheese sushi concoctions.
Here, you see our sushi platter laid out. Frost has the vegetarian sushi. Josh's is the one with the nori inside and mine is the big roll on the end.
Wren is pointing to the very sharp knife. "no no no" he says. "SHARP!!"