I had a funny conversation with Frost today when he started to confide in me what he likes (and dislikes) about the parents of his best friends.
He likes Alex's mom because she always gives him compliments and makes him feel good, she is very funny, she lets them do fun stuff like running outside and playing noisy games but he doesn't like one thing. She does not let them have lots of screen time.
He likes Isaac's mom because she lets them play wild games and they have so many cool things to make up games with. She even let them play a tinkertoy game where they made a guy out of tinkertoys and then kicked him off the deck! BUT she sometimes gets cross with them, like with "the barf incident".
"The barf incident?" I ask.
"We went to red mill burgers and we made some barf in a cup. We mixed up ketchup and mustard and vanilla shake and salt and pepper and mayonnaise and stuff and then we mixed it up and we spilled it on the sidewalk so it looked like barf."
"And she was cross?"
"Yes, and she made us clean it up." [damn right!]
Another friend's Mom apparently is beloved for allowing them to do even crazy things like eating cough drops because they taste good and she sometimes lets go of the steering wheel while driving and goes "whee!"
Finally, I asked him about myself. He likes me best but "I also have the most complaints about you. I think that might be because I know you best and I have spent the most time with you and also I am your kid so you get me in trouble when I am having a playdate at my house but other Moms are nice. I like it when you give us sugary food and let us have screen time but I don't like it when you get mad if we make a big mess and dump out toys all over the yard and you say "clean up" or if we get all wet in the yard unexpectedly you say "OH NO THEY ARE ALL WET AND MESSY" and you get cross if leave a big mess."
I guess I do. I shall aim and
calm control in future.