This was another of those mornings that has me hugging my coffee mug before 6am. As September approaches, it is becoming increasingly dark for my morning stagger clutching the slightly soggy Wren in his oversize and overdamp diapers.
We think he is teething. I guess that is an overused excuse for an old-enough-to-know-better-baby waking all night (and getting fed for it) but he has been very whiney and not-put-downy during the day and is gnawing stuff more than usual. I gave him Tylenol and he slept 6.15pm-11.15pm and then yelled so much that Josh and later I went in to calm him. He had another Tylenol and nursed and slept till 3am, then 4.30am (ignored that one) and then 5am and napped in bed with me (in his room) till 5.30am and was up.
When he wakes up he crawls right off the bed unless grabbed so I have to lurch forward and grab his legs as soon as I feel him leave the warm blanket. Its hard. I am motivated though because a couple of days ago he fell off the bed with an almighty thud and it was the same day he fell into the table and hit his head on the bookcase while standing so I feel I have to prevent more bonks. He always crawls towards the nightlight and then to the guitar. He thwacks the guitar strings until they sound a discordant getup and go for me.
If I don't get up and go the guitar would fall over. Why do we have a guitar in his room. Gosh, at 5.57am I can't answer that.
Wren is crawling around at my feet and I swear I can hear milk sloshing in his belly. I see him as a vampiric hippo. You know? Vampires are always depicted as scrawny beasties but think how much a vampiric hippo would drink during the dark hours? That's Wren.
To top it all Frost had trouble going to sleep in his room because he could hear "a strange clicking sound. Its like this CLICK. It isn't "click click click" its just CLICK. It doesn't happen often, perhaps it won't happen again tonight"
Me: "Okay, goodnight"
Frost: (5 minutes later) "I heard it again. What is it?"
Me: Let me come and listen.
Frost: It probably won't happen again. I've only heard it about 3 times. ITs like CLICK.
Me: Where does it come from? The bed? BEds creak sometimes
Frost: No.. it doesn't come from anywhere. Its just THERE. Its like IN THE ROOF. [looking upwards]
Me: Shhhhh let me listen
Frost: What? What is it? What are you listening?
Me: I am listening for the click, I can't hear anything.
Frost: It probably won't come again.
[We sit in silence for about 20 seconds]
Me: I can't hear anything. Okay, goodnight.
Frost: But I hear this CLICK!
Me. There ARE noises in a house. Its nothing dangerous. You are quite safe.
Frost: Can I sleep in your room?
At least I noticed we were out of coffee yesterday and ground a whole lot of it. It is my company for this belated dawning.