Friday, November 14, 2008

Echo, wagon rides and the pox

During Wren's full post-op echo this morning I was able to see the outflow tract area for the first time. It is amazing! Where there was a huge protrubance there is now... nothing! It looks like a big hosepipe. Its clear from the echo that Wren's whole LVOT and valve is smaller in diameter than the ascending aorta. I am not sure if that is 'normal' but it makes sense that for no gradient they would be close in size. Still, there was definitely less churn on the flow images.

We wait for the official readings of gradient and anatomy.

Meanwhile, we are unsure whether Frost will be able to visit Wren since a boy at his school has been diagnosed with chickenpox. He is not in Frost's work group but they are in contact at times during the day. Frost has been vaccinated but (I just checked with his pediatrician) and Wren has not. I don't know why Wren has missed that shot since we try and keep up with all of them.


Wren is not on aspirin therapy so I hope there would not be complications in the unlikely case that he caught it from Frost or that Frost caught it too.

Frost wants to go to see Wren but while the nurse said it would be fine, the clerk said that they do not recommend visits for 3 weeks post-exposure. I am not sure how to read "recommend". Apparently, contagion is highest in the days prior to blistering but commonly breaks out 7-14 days later.

We have been given a telemetry monitor and Wren has been on many circuits of the 3rd floor. He went "off monitor" to the echo lab! The battery in my camera was flat so I didn't get a shot but will later. It was very cute.

1 comment:

Wyndi said...

oh no! I am sorry that Frost was possibly exposed and that now there is such confusion on what is recommended and what would be safe! Wren sounds so good! Way to go Wren keep it up you guys! your seriously rock stars!!