Thursday, March 20, 2008

15 month Update

Yesterday Wren saw the pediatrician for his 15 month check-up and shots. He is quite scared of the pediatrician's office and cries and clings to me as soon as the nurse enters.

The appointment was pretty straightforward. Wren's stats are:

Weight: 23 lbs 9 ounces (35th percentile)
Height: 32 1/4 inches (90th percentile)
Head: 19 1/4 inches (85th percentile)

Although he has not gained a great deal of weight, Wren has managed to maintain his weight relative to the 35th percentile and his length and head have grown which satisfied our pediatrician that he is eating ok. We are still trying to encourage him to be a bit more enthusiastic about non-sugary food. He would each chocolate and donuts all day if I let him.

Wren is doing fine developmentally although he is speaking a bit less than she expected - I think I said he knows 10-20 words but that includes animal sounds. He is not a big talker in English although he speaks constantly in his own language of inflection and sign.

These are the words I can remember. Joshua can add more later. According to an online reference "The child’s vocabulary is constantly expanding and she will first learn those words that are most relevant in order to control and relate to her environment". These words give you a glimpse into the world Wren seeks to control.

All done

All done
Bye bye
Ma ma
Da Dai
'ice (dice)
'ight (light)
'ent (tent)
'ut (shut)
No no no (with wagging finger)
'ish (fish)
'rost (frost)
uh oh
hut hut (breathy = hot)

Vroom vroom
Oo oo (owl)
oof oof (dog)
'isss 'issss (snake)
rahr (bear)

He is doing well physically. He can almost run, can climb the ladder into the fort on his own (oops - must make sure the ladder is never left up), drink from a cup with some sloshing, eat with a spoon with lots of spilling and pick up anything he wants to eat and many things we don't want him to eat (like cat food). He can reach to the countertop with tippy toes and fingers and easily climbs onto chairs and from their to the table. He goes up and down stairs at speed and has started to try and step down small steps and to walk up steep hills and run down them repeatedly. These steep inclines are his latest fascination.

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