Monday, February 11, 2008

Frost vs Wren

The boys have been fighting. Yes, a 13 month old can fight with a 6 year old. This morning he threw a huge rock at Frost's foot and bruised him. In retaliation, Frost taped Wren inside his lion playhut so that he couldn't escape.

Frost has learned that if he wants to get Wren out of a room he shuts him in the room. As soon as the door opens Wren rushes out of captivity and can then be locked out.

Wren grabs a pen and scribbles on Frost's robot drawing. Frost takes Wren's interlocking blocks away from him.

I tell Frost to go and play in his room and not bother Wren with his own toys. Frost cries... "But sometimes I want to play with his toys. I want to make something!"

I suggest he gives Wren something new to distract him then take the interlocking blocks to his own room and shut the door. Frost dumps a whole tub of toys at Wren's feet. Wren is not fooled and follows but is thwarted by the door. Minutes later Frost calls me to admire the smiley face he has made from interlocking blocks and lego. It is very happy and smiley.

Wren pulls it apart.

This time Frost doesn't mind because he was finished. Still, I empathize. I suffered the same invasions from my younger brother. I explain to Frost that sometimes it is hard to be a big brother because Wren wants to do everything he wants to do because he's his hero.

Frost says "I am a superhero and Wren is my side-kick. Or I am Batman and he is Robin."

Uh oh. I hear shouting and doors slamming and now Wren is crying. Oh, and the telltale rattle of bead curtain tells me that another battle has been waged.

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