Thursday, February 7, 2008

Nutrition Appointments

Wren had two appointments this week to discuss his low weight gain and improving his calorie intake.

Yesterday, we saw our Naturopath Sari. Overall, she said she would not be concerned if he did not have a CHD but she would like him to eat more and be a bit more interested. She felt that he may have a low appetite from the pneumonia he had and the stomach flu a few months earlier. She also worried about his intestinal flora after 2 bouts of antibiotics. So, she recommended:

Smoothies: Made with rice protein powder, ground almond meal or soaked almonds, pasteurized honey and good fruit.

200mg Vit C / day which is supposed to stimulate appetite.

Brewer's yeast in OJ.

Thymactiv homeopathic. I dropper full.

Oil in applesauce. In particular, 1/2 tsp/day or flax oil.

Nut butters and honey or barley malt or fruit juice concentrate made into cookies.

Sacroyses Florstar good intestinal flora.

She also recommended keeping on nursing on demand but offering these calorie and nutrient rich foods at each meal.

The nutritionist we saw today was not concerned. She said as long as he isn't LOSING weight its okay. Weight gain can be slow but as long as it is occurring they are happy!!?? As it happened, Wren had eaten well today and weighed a wopping 22 lbs 15 oz which is 7oz more than 2 weeks ago. Its weird. I think it is a factor of the scales.

Anyway, she suggested we feed him 6 small meals a day - 3 normal mealtimes and 3 snack meals. She did not feel I should limit nursing but wanted me to feed him solids before nursing at mealtimes.

Her suggestions for calorie rich foods included: smoothies, Carnation instant breakfast, egg white milkshakes, ovaltine with cream added, anything with cream added, avocado, icecream.

She also gave me a list of expected servings per day which was utterly unrealistic. If Wren ate all that is intended he would be a hippo.

I am too tired to post more (Wren missed his PM nap and has been a fussy sleeper recently, waking at 4.30am today) but I feel better equipt and encouraged after the information from both 'experts'.

1 comment:

Wyndi said...

the is good news that you are feeling encouraged and it sounds like both apts went very well! I hope that you are bale to get some sleep tonight and feel rested while you continue with this busy week! we missed you at the meeting and hope that wren is feeling better!