Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Robins are flocking

Wren woke at his usual 5.30am after a very rough night. He was up for almost an hour between 11pm and 12pm (denying me my best sleep of the night) and was up again at 3am and 4.30am. I ignored 4.30am again but he woke within 45 minutes for the day. During the night Joshua and I decided he was definitely ill and perhaps had an ear infection. This morning it was clear he was fine. Later, it was clear he was irritable. Now I don't know. He has no fever, no sign of pain and is just sleeping worse than usual and being less self-sufficient during the day. He wants carrying and seems to be a bit more tired at naptime.

As a result of his whining and need for entertainment Wren is being allowed increasingly inappropriate toys to distract him. This morning I let him play with the large cowries and gave him a pen to hold. He promptly hit the cowrie on the floor repeatedly for the banging sound and drew on his face with pen. Bad mommy.

Because Wren continues to wake so early and be noisy AND I am so exhausted we head out every morning Foraging for pears. There is an old pear tree overhanging the road a block away and every morning a small harvest of pears has fallen into the street and parking strip. I collect them in a fleece hat and stuff them under the stroller. I have a great sense of satisfaction in foraging in this way. Pears are selling at $2.99 a lb at Wholefoods and these are sweeter and more plentiful. Sure, I have to cut out the bitten portions sometimes but I have frozen a week's supply of Wren's Pearfood and will have another couple of weeks when I cook up the next 8 pears tomorrow.

Interestingly, other people have the same idea. This morning was so beautiful (cool, quiet, the sun like butter) that I walked around Dahl Field with my gathered pears. While there I noticed a small man in a grey tracksuit climbing a tree and shaking it. He held a stick with a long rope on the end. When we came closer I saw that he was gathering pears and had heaped them in the grass.

I know its still summer but its becoming fall. The robins are flocking. Mornings are chill and at 6.30am I had to walk all the way up the ridge before we reached the sunlight that makes Wren squint and twist sideways in the stroller choking and spluttering because he ate the spike of lavendar I gave him to hold. When we came home Frost was up. He and Wren greeted each other with squeals and joy. Frost's joy turned quickly to concern:

Frost: "Wrennies hands are freezing! Feel Wrennies hands they're freezing! Feel them! Come, come. They are SO COLD"

On the way to the Morningstar Bakery I wondered whether Frost knew the names for jobs people do. I asked him what a baker was, a dentist, a doctor. Those, he had figured out. He even knew pediatrician: a doctor for kids. It was when we got to Software Engineer (what Josh is) that things became interesting:

Frost: A software engineer.... hrmmm... a Software Engineer comes and does the pipes and the paint inside a house when its been built.

This is kind of true in our house but not really in the job description.

"A meteorologist studies comets and the stars"


Wyndi said...

have you called the ped about wrens disturbed sleeping behaviors and less energy? When does frost start school? Is he excited? your morning walks sound so nice, our neighbors have an apple tree that is dropping apples all over the street but by they all are smashed from cars! maybe we should start shaking the tree to get some before they are ruined:)

Wyndi said...

I hope that he is feeling better soon and that you can get more sleep soon!

Shannon said...

No, I haven't called the pediatrician. When you say "disturbed sleeping behaviours and less energy" you make it sound serious but its just within the normal range of how (this) baby is! He is not a sleep through the nighter yet. Frost wasn't either. It will happen one day I hope! I guess his energy is related to waking too early which is a bad habit that is also quite common because he is very happy for the first hour or so after a nap. Its also been hard to give him regular naps because of Frost's summer stuff. Frost goes back to school on the 11th September and that will be easier after that although school pickup is still likely to get in the way of PM naps

Wyndi said...

that was not said right I am sorry, I know he doesn't sleep though the night but after reading your post it sounded like you where saying that his sleeping habits and energy had changed from his normal I misunderstood, I am sorry:) I have heard that when they are about to learn a new skill they can have changes in sleep too, like say maybe cruising or walking:)