Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Good news I forgot yesterday

Also from the cardiology visit we had the good news that Wren will not have a fat leg forever!

For those of you late on this story, Wren's left leg is enlarged due to an obstructed ileac vein which was a complication of his initial surgery. This came to light after a vaccination in that leg which resulted in a very swollen and purple leg. It is still moderately enlarged.

Apparently, over time Wren's vein will form more collaterals to the point that the pressures are normal and the leg is a normal size.

We are very happy to hear this news as Josh was working on nicknames like Frankie Fatleg to last him through middle school.

The only downside from the appointment was that Wren has gained weight rather slowly in the past month. He had a pediatrician visit before we went away (after a couple of weeks of sleep training) and he was 90th percentile. A month later he is 75th percentile. I suspect this is due to the fact he no longer eats all night and is very distractible during the day.


Wyndi said...

that is good news! no awful nicknames for wren:) that is funny though. boys! mybe he is thinning out because of all the crawling and exercise he is getting

Funky Mama said...

Hiya! Wren is looking precious as always.

I wanted to comment on the slide in the growth chart. If exclusively breastfed babies (and even if he has been started on solids, he falls into that category) are compared to the growth chart they use in most pediatricians offices, they tend to slide down the percentiles towards 6-9 months. That is due largely to the fact that breastfed babies tend to pack weight on early, and then slow down around that 6-9 month marker. The charts that they use in the US are mix of formula and breastfed babies. The World Health organizations has charts for exclusively breastfed babies. Check it out, and see how Wren compares on that chart! This is an article from (great breastfeeding info website) and it has the charts right there.

Shannon said...

Thanks for the ideas. I think he is using more energy and the BF boys chart shows him slightly higher but pretty much the same as the one the cardiologists used. I am not really worried about it, just something to note if it continues.

I have been thinking he is in a growth spurt so perhaps he was coasting for a while and now needs to eat more during the day. Its really really hard to nurse him except in the bedroom. He is so active and distracted that he wrenches his head around at the slightest noise or motion and I can 't keep things that quiet.