Tuesday, July 24, 2007

7 month Cardiology Clinic

Today, Wren had his first cardiology clinic visit in 4 months. It was relatively brief. He was so wriggly and rolly-polly that it was hard to get a good echo tape but the tech (Brian) who has done all the previous studies managed to get enough to reassure Dr Lewin that all is stable.

The turbulence in the LVOT is still "moderate" although the velocity (4.3) was slightly less than last echo (4.5). Dr Lewin suspects that was due to the fact Wren was crying a lot last time rather than it actually improving, still, its good news that it hasn't changed.

His left ventricle is still thickened but no more than last time. That is because its has to push a bit harder through the narrow areas.

The aortic valve is doing well... no regurgitation and only a bit of turbulence (very mild) and the mitral valve is still appearing to behave normally. They got some good shots of the ventricle and valve and the LVOT ridge. It is not close to the valve which is apparently a good thing.

Wren complained a lot before Brian had any descending aorta shots but the arch seems okay too.

So, in general the LVOT is the only area looking moderately bad/good and which would cause Wren to go into OHS. Its our only real worry right now.

As a result of Wren looking "stable" we have the following dramatic news:
1) Next cardiology appointment IN FIVE MONTHS.
2) No echo at the next appointment - only EKG. If the EKG is reassuring...
3) NO ECHO UNTIL 18mths. That would be a sedated echo.
4) No more aspirin therapy.
5) Discontinue Zantac if we want to.

So, although Wren hasn't actually improved he is doing well. He looks robust, is developing normally and his heart seems stable. I thought he looked good but as soon as the echo wand approached and I saw that turbulence on the monitor I started to get anxious again. Nothing like the potential for bad information to freak you out.

Thanks for all the good wishes, prayers and thoughts.


Wyndi said...

wow great news that he gets to come off those meds! go wren! we are glad to read that his echo went well and that he is doing good, staying stable and growing big:) he is such a strong little guy:)

Anonymous said...


What great news. I know that feeling of relief. I'm checking in everyday, even though I don't comment much. I can't belive what a chunky little monkey Wren is.


PS If you'd ever like to chat by phone, I'd love that. You can send me an email if you like at Janedeitrichatyahoodotcom.

Shannon said...

Hi Jane
He is a fatty although I really expected him to be 21 lbs. The thing I notice most at the moment is how active he is... its really hard to do a simple diaper change, let alone dress him.

I would love to talk sometime. Things are more hectic than usual at the moment as I have my mother visiting and another 2 houseguests arriving soon. Plus its Frost's birthday party this Saturday and I am behind on almost everything since vacation. But oneday soon I shall have a moment of calm and look you up if that works for you.