Wren seems to be developing very quickly at the moment. Yesterday, Michelle came by to help clean the house and Wren took one look at her and burst into tears, quivering lip and clinging hands and all. He looked as if he'd seen a raksasa.
He also plays games by himself. He pushes a ball across the carpet and then crawls after it. He "throws" it again and crawls after it. Just now Granny noticed that he has another game - this one with a small plastic strip that came off my water bottle. He drops it on the carpet and then goes and gets it. He drops it and then picks it up again. We think he may be interested in the fact that it doesn't roll away. He has done this at least 15 times while I am writing. Drop, retrieve, drop retrieve.
Today we went to the playground for a school summer-park date and helped tape lollipops onto cards to promote the school. Wren was playing with a lollipop and sucking on it through the paper. He was very intent on this task. When I took the lollipop away - suspecting he was getting blue food coloring and dye as well as a chew-toy - he was distraught and kept craning his neck this way and that way to see where the lollipop had gone. Later, when I had another lollipop in my mouth he was very demanding and tried to pull it out for himself. He clearly has object permanence along with his stranger anxiety.
Frost had a lovely day too. He ran around with the bigger boys playing tag and chase and squirt guns. "You can't believe how fast Frost runs nowdays compared with his friends who are bigger. He was playing chase and chasing" says Granny. He also had a playdate with Nate and lots of conversations about how to organize a treasure hunt for some gold pirate coins.
I will post some movies of Wren crawling later this evening.
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