Thursday, June 28, 2007

Impetigo, falling over and maybe a fever?

The day unravelled fast. Last night I made an appointment for Frost to see the pediatrician. I was concerned about a small cut on his finger, a string burn actually, which looked infected. I noticed his finger was swollen and the graze, which was almost unnoticable at first, looked pussy. Also, there was that telltale red line on the skin. I was also worried about his "sore nose". He's had a cold for 3 weeks and the past week it has been joined by a reddened crusty nose. This reminded me of Laines description of Nate's nose when he had Impetigo a few years ago.

Anyway, we headed out to the pediatricians. I nearly missed the appointment. Wren was overtired, our appointment missed the schedule. Turns out Frost has impetigo and probably infected his finger cut with it. She suspects he has a impetigo (usually strep or staf infection) which has spread to his finger and perhaps the tissue. So, he has been given a strong dose of antibiotic over 10 days. We have to keep the skin clean and covered. He can't return to camp on Thursday or Friday.

Wren felt a bit warm so I asked the nurse to take his temperature and he is mildly warm - 99.8. Still, he has no sign of skin infection so I hope its just the teeth or something.

Next thing, we head to the pharmacy to get the antibiotics. I am in a daze of exhaustion and worry about Frost and Wren and Wren is trying to nap and is a mess and hot and I am hot. We eat candy. Its good. We obtain the medicine (after the pharmacist freaks me out by saying she checked the prescription because he is getting a relatively heavy dose of antibiotics - more than required for impetigo. That's when I mention the finger too and she nods and says the doctor is trying to do two things with the medication (hit the finger infection and the superficial nasal one).

We leave and I hear a THUMP and silence. Frost has fallen flat on his face in the parking lot. He has nasty bloody grazes on his infected hand and a grazed and bleeding knee. His Nerds are spilled on the pavement like blood splatter. Its gruesome.

Frost completely collapses in weeping. I retrieved candy. I buckle him. Apply gauze. Drive home hyperventilating.

I put Wren to bed, washed Frost off with Detol and polysporined him. Now he is lying on teh couch lapping up the attention.

I am not sure what to worry about next. I am so full of adrenaline.

1 comment:

Wyndi said...

my goodness! how frightening! I hope that everyone is feeling better soon!