I have been saving up pictures on the camera so I have a few from the last week. First, here is Wren smiling and showing off his two lower front teeth. The upper front teeth are cutting through right now (amid much gnashing, gnawing and wailing). We should have a stake in Tylenol Inc. and Orajel with the amount we use them at night.
The next (below) is Wren rolling about the livingroom floor yesterday. He moves from one side to the other using various techinques. He rolls, he rotates using his arms, he pushes up into crawling and rocks and he pushes iwth his arms and moves backwards (a little). He always ends up wedged under the coffee table and has been knotted in the playstation controller cables a few times. He also finds small things concealed in the vivid design of the carpet and tries to use a pincer hold to pick them up, but fails. He keeps trying. This morning he found a piece of lego and the base for a Warmhammer miniature.
Babyproofing this weekend!
Now this one is all blurry because I had to fumble with my camera to get the picture. This is the first time Wren pushed himself up into crawling position. It was yesterday. He has done it many times since and is rocking back and forward on his hands and knees. He conks out pretty quickly but he gets up again. He is working on stability. A few times he pushed forwards and make a little jump with his legs. He seems to have the idea that his hands can move but hasn't figured out how to advance his legs so he is trying things out.
Now, my question of the day. It is addressed to parents with 2 or more children. Do you make new adult friends 'through' your second child's relationships or does your second child just go along with the family friendships that developed as your first child grew up? I am feeling like spending more time with babies and other families with babies but I never manage to make it to baby group meetings or activities or to catch up with my new friends from Listening Mothers. I feel a bit sad. I am always rushing along with Frost's activities and fill in the few social blanks with friends of Frost-in-common.
Should I make more effort? Do I need to find families with 2 kids one of which is 5 and one a baby? It seems a far smaller set for seeking out the sympatico.
Well, we have been wondering the same thing with our baby N. His schedule is already pretty much controlled by what Benjamin is doing any given day, as is his current social life (such as it is). The younger siblings of Benjamin's friends tend to play with the older kids rather than forming their own friendships too, though I'm sure this will change as the younger ones hit preschool. If you want Wren to have more baby friends, though, come to Courtney's when we are there with our 5yo and baby! N will be amazed to see a baby who does independent actions rather than just smiling back from the mirror...
I'd love to come and have a baby playdate. I'll ask Courtney to invite us over although summer is hard to catch the kids with camp and vacation.
Wren is getting old enough for dinner parties with his friends. Today I bought him is own plastic spoon.
With us, E made friends as he got older. For a long time it was all about the older one's social engagements...
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