So, here is my homage to the photo journal. Unfortunately I gave up around 3pm when Frost came home from school:
Half of Friday in the Life of Wren
Wren wakes up around 7am but is really still sleepy. I put him in the swinging chair while I make Frost's breakfast, school lunch and my coffee. He is pretty happy in the swing and sometimes goes to sleep again. He likes to watch Frost who gets to watch TV.
Here he is in the swing. After I have made breakfast and all that jazz we do diaper change.
The Diaper change area is actually a bed but the changing table sits next to it, unused. Before Wren was born we didn't know if and when he would come home from hospital so we prepared a guest room for my mother rather than a nursery. As you can see the nursery is still in process:
Wren on the diaper change bed.
After diaper change we went outside to pick some flowers for Big Brother Frost. He wanted to take them to school to give to his kindergarten teacher who was leaving. Friday was her last day of school. It was pretty cold so I had my boots on. Wren had barefeet. Bad baby mother.
Then it was tummy time. Wren doesn't much like tummy time on the floor but this couch has a bit of an angle to it so he can look out and enjoy the view.
When Frost went to school with the carpool Wren had his first nap. He sleeps in a wedge supplied by the hospital for babies with reflux. We are not sure he has reflux anymore but he is so used to sleeping in the wedge that we are not messing with it just now. He loves that mobile too but I only turn it on at playtime.
After nap and getting another diaper change we head off to the library. Its around 11am already and I have done nothing except eat, dress and clean teeth. Oh, and check the boards.
There was another nap somewhere then it was time to go and fetch Frost from school. He was quite excited to be fetched instead of riding in the carpool.
Wren sure is a busy boy - now I feel like a total slacker! I'm choosing not to tell Gabe about Wren's out and about day...I don't want to make him jealous and today it was all I could do to keep socks on him :)
Love the photo of him reading Goodnight moon - he just looks so studious! A big book for a little boy...
He is absolutely lovely as well - but I'll bet you already knew that.
I love the book one too. He has only just mastered the art of holding onto something and moving it to his mouth. The next photo shows him eating the book (I shall post that tomorrow.)
I know we have such an exciting life of car trips and naps its like Bollywood for Babies.
Wren has one sock for bedtime. Josh dressed him for bed in a little outfit without feet and was adamant that it was okay. I am worried he will have one cold foot poor guy.
all the pictures are great! the one with frost and wren after school is my favorite! you can see he likes his little brother:) its beautiful
I hope that wren and every one did get sleep tonight and his long nap did not throw him off too much
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