Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fat baby yoga cookie

I went to yoga at the Seattle Holistic Center today. Its fun doing normal baby things and reconnecting with that happy tribe of women who took their babies home and talk about sleep and milestones and well-baby checkups. All those months preparing for bad news left me feeling like an outsider to normal babyworld and I still felt a bit odd being there.

But it was fun.

Wren had a nap in the sling during dance circle and was happy to sit in the bouncy chair during the yoga segment. We stayed a bit late to chat to some of the other mothers and I met Vanessa and Orlando, and Wendy and her baby as well as others whose names now escape me. We drank tea and ate chocolate dipped cookies at lunchtime.

It was very civilized considering there were 20+ moms and babies in the room (including 3 sets of twins!)

Of course nothing could be entirely normal. I noticed that one of the babies had an odd coloring. Her legs were purple looking instead of pale or pink. I started to panic thinking she had an undiagnosed heart condition and spent quite a while contemplating suggesting she had a cardiologist examine her. I didn't.

In a different light she wasn't as startlingly plum and I couldn't tell whether I have an alarmist perspective on the world. She must be seeing a pediatrician, right?

Wren weighs 16 lbs 12 oz today putting him at the 90 %tile for weight.

He is now sitting in the sun in his diaper to get some Vitamin D (thanks to Julie's education campaign).


Wyndi said...

I think I would have a hard time seeing a baby that was looking off color too! was the baby a newborn or a couple months old Izzy went 6 weeks without being dx with her heart defect but I am paranoid (a little scared and find it hard to trust some medical staff )

It sounds like the yoga is fun! I am going to look up a dance or music group to join izzy in soon she dances to anything now, radio my singing(horrible and off key) :) and elevator music! lol she sings baby babble and bops her head and wiggles her hips! some funny and adorable stuff!

The Special Zipper said...

As Connor spent much of his time in hospitals in the first 6 months and it was weekly or multiple week visits investigating his other medical conditions, we missed all this stuff too.

The hard thing having a a child with CHD, especially with significant other health issues relating to feeding, gastro reflux et al, is that it can also get frustrating when people start to do the whole milestone thing.

Yeah .. we know he is a year or even two behind in some aspects ... sometimes it is just nice not to keep being reminded.

We threw the book away early in the piece realising there was no book that referred to Connor. Many doctors, specialist etc even comment that "such and such is the normal case .. but then again this is Connor ... he doesn't follow the book"

Hope you are able to continue to enjoy some normalicy.

Shannon said...

I am pleased your doctors had the "this is connor" angle. Our pediatrician tends to end her sentences about normal development with something like this:

"You should see him starting to reach out and grab for toys soon... erm.. that is if he is following normal development"

So, its still a question mark for us. Personally, I think he is doing just fine - he was slow to start off but is doing much more responsive stuff now.

Lauren said...

I thought for an instant that maybe I would have seen you at the baby/yoga class - there's one right after my yoga class on Thursday morning. Renee is the teacher for Thursday - she's awesome.