Monday, February 12, 2007

Joy and equanimity

We are having another good day after a great night. Yesterday we had many wins:
  • I made it to Trader Joes for the big grocery shop so I am drinking coffee made from a regular filter instead of folded kitchen paper. Mentally, it tastes better.

  • The family (plated) silver cutlery has been put in storage and replaced by a dishwasher friendly set - expediency winning over nostalgia - and I now have a clean sink every night.

  • Joshua did the Whole Foods shopping and returned home within 45 minutes with nothing that was not on the list! Whole Foods is a perilous place for me to shop and I have now consigned the Whole Foods shopping to him for all eternity in order to maintain our solvency.

  • Josh fed Wren a 4oz bottle of EB milk while I was dropping Frost off at a playdate with Max. This was the most milk he has ever taken from a bottle.

Oh, and I am feeling very optimistic about sleep. I don't know whether it was dairy or timing or both but Wren has transformed. Before yesterday he would cry a lot and I could never set him down to sleep. Yesterday he napped 3 times in his wedge - once for an hour - and he put himself to sleep all three times - it took between 10 minutes and half an hour before he was really asleep and not peeping and I went in a few times but he was much calmer than when I carried him around or tried to nurse him to sleep. He also napped in the sling. Also, he put himself to sleep at night without crying and slept for 3.5 hours, then 4 hours then 2 hours. There was some grunting but greatly reduced and one pillow on my head took care of it.

Joshua cautions that I must not become attached to him being this way. Of course, he is right but I am having trouble maintaining openenss and equanimity on this one. The buddha can be right about everything when I get enough sleep.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl,

I'm so glad to check in with you and see good news!!!!

I'm so happy that you're both sleeping better! Of course, no dairy does stink but not as much as no sleep!


Wyndi said...

What good news! I hope you all cont with all this rest. Steve took Izzy shopping with him yesterday while I cleaned. It was so nice to ba abe to pick up the house without chasing her or worring that she will wake from a nap while I have my hands covered in yuck:) We all take baby steps now:) I hope you have a good week:)

Wyndi said...

I hope you and your family are doing well today and your not posting because you are getting some quality time in:)

Shannon said...

It was a good day for napping yesterday but he went to sleep too early so was kind of done around 4am. Still, we now have a handle on things I feel so much better.