Monday, November 15, 2010

Lantern Walk

 On Friday, Wren joined his preschool for the winter Lantern Walk.  We met at Greenlake and shared some hot bread and muffins with apple cider before singing some songs and making a short walk through the trees.  The line snaked a great distance as the lanterns bobbed and snatches of song floated past on the cool but clear night.

Frost's Lantern

The lanterns were lit at nightfall

I have lost Wren's hats so he wore my soft pink cashmere one from Sarah.

Wren took his job of carrying the lantern very seriously.
He was also a serious eater of hot muffins.
Afterwards, we got together with Tara for sushi and she took the boys to see a movie at Thornton Place.  Everyone had a great time and I didn't have to wash up plates after dinner.

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