Monday, July 20, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Frost! Part 1 - The Pool

Among Frost's birthday gifts was an underwater camera from Granny. Frost put this to good use at the pool we went to with his friends. I wish they had taken more underwater in the outdoor pool as they are among the best. Inside, it was a bit dark and so most of our pictures are very watery and very blurry.

Still, I think you can see the potential!

Frost underwater (I left his goggles so he can't see)

Meanwhile, Wren and I were playing at the inside pool. We were lucky to have a few parents stay with us by plan or misadventure. Thanks Laurie and Fred! Wren is increasingly bold in the water and says he is "very brave" as he jumps in on the count of 3. He has learned to climb sideways around the side of the pool and traversed the entire length of the indoor pool in this way. He is all goosebumped and cold but still demands to stay in the pool longer.

Dylan underwater!

This picture shows the outdoor pool. We have had stunning weather this summer. Day after day it has been hot and clear so that we are all rather spoiled by it. My garden is needing a lot more water than usual but otherwise we are enjoying it.

Kapow! Even submerged Elias manages a good pose.

Its late and Josh has been practicing with the band. The house is not yet recovered from under the party debris and I have been snacking on cake this afternoon. To compensate, I met some swimming friends at Greenlake and we swam a few laps across the lake at the inlet to the North of the Boathouse. It was still and warm and a lovely way to get some mild exercise. It was also good to practice swimming in open water - surprisingly hard work staying out there! From the lake we could see boaters and Mount Rainier peeking over the homes on the East side of Greenlake. I am still feeling warm and motivated to keep swimming and running even if I don't do a Tri this year.

More on the birthday when I download the cake photos from the other camera.

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