Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Wren has pneumonia. The X-ray showed "lower right lobe infiltration indicating a pneumonia of viral or bacterial origin." It is unclear which - it is "patchy".

Dr Levitt suggested being conservative and using Augmentin to treat the pneumonia.

Wren is looking better in terms of this recent virus but still coughs deeply on occasion.


Linda said...

I'm sorry Wren has pneumonia. My daughter Lydia just had pneumonia last week but I guess our kids are prone to those infections. I don't like her taking antibiotics but it does make her better. I hope he feels better soon.

Linda (khalana in iVillage)

Jane said...

I'm sorry to hear this Shannon. Ramona has not had pneumonia, it sounds very scary.

I've been meaning to tell you for awhile that I love reading this blog. The stories of what Frost says, the visits from family, the walks, the cooking. Your family seems to have a rich and full life. Just wanted to say "Good job!"

I'm not online as much as I once was, but I do check in and read everything :) Hope Wren feels better soon.

tamusana said...

Sorry to hear this. Hope he gets better soon, and hope Frost is up and running again too. How about you - are you totally better now, after your horrible gastro ailment?

yikes... you guys have had more than your fair share of measles and sneezles (so to speak)....

At least you seem to have been enjoying your dad's visit, illnesses notwithstanding.


Unknown said...

Shannon, Hope Wren is doing better. We're thinking of him and would love to see you as soon as he's up for it. Let us know if you need anything and hope you're still enjoying your dad's visit.

Shannon said...

Hi Linda, Sorry that Lydia had pneumonia too. Has she recovered? Did you have an X-ray and how is she doing?


Shannon said...

Hey Jane
Well, I love your blog too. I know you get told this all the time but you do write beautifully and I am always happy to read your updates.

I am holding great hope for good options from your second opinions and no bad surprises.
