Wednesday, May 6, 2009

More appointments scheduled

I have a few more appointments ahead. Today, I am going to see Christina, our naturopath, in the hope that she will give me some ideas on foods or fluids to try or even herbal teas to soothe my stomach. That is at noon.

Then tomorrow at 1.30pm I have an appointment with a gastroenterologist in Fremont. I took the first available gastroenterology appointment - the Dr Tobin who was widely recommended to me was booked out until May 13th so I cannot see him at this point.

I spoke to my regular doctor and he said that when he mentioned antacids he was not trying to diminish my condition but just to see whether we could reduce the acid enough to eat a little more. We agreed to try no more challenges until I see the GE.

I am going to Bastyr soon (the natural healing dispensary) to buy some healthy electrolytes to add to water instead of the gatorade.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi, I'm from the Heart Defects board on iVillage (khalana) and I've been lurking on your blog from time to time. I just have to day that I'm so so sorry that you're feeling som miserable... :( I've had some stomach issues similar to yours (though nowhere hear as bad) and it can be SO painful! So sending you some get-well vibes. :)