Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cardiology Clinic Visit - 3 months post OHS

Wren had an echo and EKG today. The quick summary is that he looks good, 3 out of 4 of his heart obstructions / defects are stable / OK but the fourth, his aortic valve stenosis, has progressed slightly but measurably. We are going to watch that carefully next clinic visit in 4 months time. We are free to visit Australia in the interim!

Here is Wren having his echo while watching Big Bird in Japan and cuddling snuggle bunny. Laura was our echo tech.

Here is Wren having his EKG. He was very good today and after his initial anxiety about the clinic he did very well. He was very pleased and self-congratulatory when he was "all done" and free to go "supermarket."

Now the detailed version:

Wren is gaining weight fine. He now weighs 13.4 kg or 29.5 lbs. He has gained 800g since the last clinic visit 3 months ago. His physical activity and development does not show signs of any delays or problems. However, Dr Lewin mentioned that in future we should bring up any developmental concerns with our pediatrician even if they are slight. For the first time he even mentioned school, saying that some families have a complete neurological assessment prior to entering school and that it might be a good idea. Even reading delays or other apparently normal issues can be related to surgery etc. For now, we have no concerns in this area. Wren has just entered the "why" phase and is asking us "why do crows eat?" and "why does the [telephone] wire go into house?"

The Three Areas that are Fine
Wren subaortic obstruction which was resected during his last surgery is fine. There is no sign of recurrent narrowing although that is a known concern with the procedure.

His supravalvar area is open and clear as is the hypoplastic aortic arch which was repaired in his first surgery at 6 days old.

His mitral valve which was classed as having mild-moderate regurgitation last time is actually slightly better with only mild regurgitation. Yes!

His Left Ventricle is still mildly thickened but not beyond what is expected with his aortic obstruction remaining.

Aortic Valve
Wren's aortic valve annulus remains too small and has shown some progression in gradient in the past 3 months. The max velocity last echo in December was 3.9 m.s and has increased to 4.2m.s. The mean gradient has increased from 37 to 42. It is still classed as moderate stenosis but the threshold for intervention is generally 50 which is not too far off it the stenosis continues to progress like this.

Dr Lewin said he has seen cases like this where the stenosis becomes stable and that it is not clear whether it has been happening gradually or happened in the period closer to the surgery. If it is progressing the next step would be to talk about a ballooning of the valve in the cath lab.

We are going to try and be optimistic and hope for a stable aortic valve in our appointment in 4 months.

Overall, things went better than I had feared and almost as good as I had hoped (except for the AV). Plus, we can gather our emotional equanimity in Australia!!!!


Unknown said...

Seems like there is always one thing--but overall, sounds like excellent news. Yeah, Wren! We are so glad for him.
I wonder if Dr. Lewin will mention the neurological issues at our next visit as well--he never mentioned it before but seemed concerned at our group meeting. We have not had worries about Evan either, and I always intend to be vigilant about it, but I feel myself starting to get paranoid. If anything I suppose he may have some degree of anxiety and low persistence/frustration issues!

In any case, so glad that Australia awaits!!!

Linda said...

I'm so glad that you guys are free to travel to Australia in terms of Wren's heart stuff. Yippeeee!!!!
Dr. Lewin and I have had conversations about the neuro issues. I always thought it was because of Gabby's time on ECMO, not because of OHS. She's always had gross motor delays & qualifies for physical therapy through the school district now. But he was totally on board with having her evaluated to catch the "subtle stuff" sooner rather than later.
Glad your news was mostly good.

tamusana said...

Fantastic! While I'm not clued-in enough to understand the technical details of Wren's status, it does seem that he must be doing well if you have the go-ahead for Australia.

I hope this will be a trip full of rest, and adventure... you all deserve it. (well - maybe the flight won't be too restful.... just long, long and longer....).

I'm very excited for you.

Laura said...

Glad to hear it's done. Happy you got the all clear to travel, and am glad to hear the word cath (as opposed to OHS) with the AV stuff as the next step when it gets to that point.