Monday, December 8, 2008

Support Groups and Censorship

Internet Searches and Sex Education
This evening Mum noticed Frost doing internet searches on random words. His words included "poop" for which he had found a number of disgusting YouTube videos. Josh and I realize is time to check our internet search settings and that SafeSearch filtering is on. This kind of search is possible as Frost's spelling develops. He has started to spell out sentences to me in much the same way I used to spell out covert messages to adults. I get quite tired listening to the long spelled conversations but it is an interesting new phase for him. Email is next!

In terms of risk, I asked Frost what he knew about Sex. Mum had been reading an article in the paper discussing the issue of whether to wait until a child inquired or to pick a time when you felt it was relevant. Frost gave us a pretty good definition and then asked why it was ok to talk about sex like this but not for him to watch Family Guy which talks about sex. Why is it ok to talk about the facts but not the jokes? I explained that you don't need to know all about it when you are a kid but that when you are older you learn more. Thankfully, at that point he had had enough and said we should talk about something else.

Alex and TAH-ra are coming!
I was giving Wren a diaper change when we heard the garage door open. It was Joshua returning from fetching Mum and Frost from the Seattle Children's Theatre production of The Wizard of Oz. They said it was fabulous. It was Frost's first visit to the theatre with us and he was quite excited.

"Dadda!" called Wren, when he heard the door.
"Who is with Daddy and Frost?" I asked.
"ALEX" said Wren with excitement.
"No, who is coming home?"
"Alex and TAH-ra!" he announced. I laughed. I had no idea he remember Tara's name.

Here is Tara having tea with us last weekend.

Support Group Meeting
This afternoon was our heart support group and we had a really big group of families attend - some of whom were new faces for me. It is always a great relief to be among people who understand the anxiety and the issues we face with Wren. One theme that comes up again and again is that when you have a child with a CHD it never "ends". In almost all cases parents continue to worry when everyone else thinks the show is over and the child is "fixed". While friends and relatives may think a successful surgery and no meds mean a child is "done" we know how many other issues and concerns lurk for us and never really relax.

Anyway, I did relax a bit in the meeting and enjoyed some Lindt chocolates and good company. We have recently formed a Guild to raise money for research into Congenital Heart Defects and are looking at ways to raise funds next year.

Small Fevers and Snuggle Bunny
Snuggle bunny is doing well to keep Wren comfortable. I have had to start waking Wren from naps because he has napped for 3+ hours for a few days in a row. Today I woke him after 2 hours. I blame it on Snuggle Bunny being too effective although he could be feeling a bit under the weather with his continuing low grade fever.

He also continues to wake super early. He sleeps 9 hours at night and 2-3 hours during the day. I would prefer to sleep till 6am and have less naptime. It doesn't seem to bother Wren but oh, it bothers me.

If Wren is feverless tomorrow we are going to take him to the aquarium. Otherwise I will be calling the clinic to see they want a blood draw to rule out endo-carditis. He is not acting at all ill and his 'fever' was never above 100.4 today, so I hope he is completely well tomorrow.

1 comment:

Wyndi said...

your boys are so clever Shannon! I love the picture of wren with snuggle bunny! It was nice to see you yesterday!~wyndi