Friday, August 29, 2008

Frost's 7 Year Check-up

Frost went to the Doctor today for his 7 Year Well-Child visit. He is doing well. He weighs 56 lbs and is in the 80th percentile for weight. He is 49" tall which is in the 65th percentile for height.

The nurse did a hearing and vision test and everything was normal.

He received a dose of Flumist. We do this to help protect Wren against the flu.

The main topic of conversation was Frost's recurrent sore tummies. His physical exam was normal so the Doctor suggested he had either an allergy or acid reflux. Since Frost sometimes complains about acid in his mouth, we are trying Mylanta first and Zantac for a few weeks if that doesn't work.

This evening he had a dose at dinner and he said he felt better soon afterwards. I am not sure whether that was a placebo effect or a desire to please but he certainly ate more dinner than usual.

Our Doctor also said that it was time that Frost ate what everyone else did at dinner and it was OK to let him go hungry and complain a lot until he realized I was serious. Also, that we need to cut down on candy and treats until he eats three meals a day and up to two snacks that are relatively healthy.

Frost was listening to all this and has taken it very seriously. When we went to the pharmacy to buy the Mylanta he said "no candy for me, damn" and did not try and choose any.

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