Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday update

Wren is feeling better although he is still retracting and coughing in a chunky way. He had a good nap and had good energy most of the day. He hates the antibiotic for sinus infection but we suspect it is helping because his nasal secretions have reduced and become clear instead of goopy. He has nose crusties instead of constant gray boogers!

He has gone to sleep easily and nursed well all day although he refused even his favorite foods like grapes, yoghurt, custard and applesauce. He even refused broccoli. When food was offered he shook his head and signed "all gone" and said "bu bye!" then waved. His message is clear!

He was very frustrated at being kept home all day. At one point when Joshua took him to the basement to put the garbage in the garage Wren climbed into the stroller and pointed at the garage door. It was clear he wanted to go for a walk. Later, he went to the back door and tried to get out, crying when I refused. He popped the cat door open and stuck his hands out until Joshua took pity on him and took him, bundled up, into the winter sunshine for a short while.

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