Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Vegemite - is there a heart kids diet?

Thanks to a visit to the Australian Meat Pie Company in Burien and a Christmas parcel from Mum in Adelaide, we are now stocked up on Vegemite for the next year.

As almost all Australians know, vegemite is essential for a healthy and well adjusted kid. As that website I linked to explains (for an American audience):

A Vegemite sandwich to an Australian kid is the equivalent of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to an American kid - but the taste is QUITE different!....

Australian children are brought up on Vegemite from the time they're babies. It is said that Australians are known to travel all over the world with at least one small jar of Vegemite in their luggage, for fear that they will not be able to find it.

Thing is, as Wren approaches his 1st birthday and his next cardiology and 'well-child' visits I am wondering whether there is a heart healthy diet he should be on. Should I be keeping salt really low? saturated fats? This kid seems to like the saltier end of the healthy food spectrum so although we don't give him soy sauce he loves vegemite toast and sausage rolls.

When we saw Wyndi and Izzy at Wren's party yesterday (thanks for coming, it was great to see you again) Wyndi said she had not been told to restrict Izzy's diet. Izzy has some of the same heart issues Wren has so I am hopeful we will be allowed to corrupt him any way we wish. Still, I feel the onus to set him out on a healthy path.

Ideas anyone?

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