Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy Day

Frost, Wren and I were on our own today because Josh was at work. We have had a lovely day. Frost played with Wren without too much suffering on either part and Wren was happy to run around chasing Frost and hiding in nooks. Hiding gives Wren great pleasure. During naptime, Frost and I played a game of Take Off which he won. It was interesting to trace our potential holiday route for next year as well as reveal how truly awful is my knowledge of geography.

We went to Whole Foods to buy diapers and raspberries and there was a man campaigning for gay rights. I asked Frost if he knew what it meant to be gay. He said it meant you "dance around and don't work hard like a real man like a lumberjack or something". He said he learned this from the Simpsons.

I tried to explain the non-frivolous meaning of gay but when I got to the part about boys marrying boys and girls marrying girls Frost looked incredulous. He said "are you allowed to do that?" and then said that "Alexander said you were allowed to but then how do you make babies in a man?"


I think I covered all the important facts but it was a long conversation. Ever since Frost is making puns about things being gay because they love other things that are the same as them. I have tried to explain the sensitivities on the issue but now he has the "facts" he is brightly unconcerned with tact.


CrazyCow said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog. Your child Frost sounds like an absolutely delightful handful. Its good to see a child being his own person, thinking for himself and playing with words and concepts. n time he'll come to grips with the social side of things. Don't know how you manage to keep a straight face with his thoughts going on around you.
I wish you and your family only good things for 2008.

Shannon said...

I continue to enjoy the blog :) I hope to be out there in the next few years. By the way, I notice that there is no Picture of the Day from Seattle. Perhaps we should get onto that.