Christmas was fun too. We had a surprise snowfall which was pretty and made for a picture-book Christmas: our firelog burning and Frost bringing a procession of big presents through from the tree in the kitchen. Frost received the most gifts - lego, a rock collection, books and candy. Joshua kept waiting for his 'big' present XBox 360 Rock Band. It emerged eventually with great fanfare from Frost. Since then Josh has taken over the living room with his drums, guitar and noisy clacking. I have tried to drum but am awful. I don't know what it is about following the rhythm but I am unable to do it. I get boo-ed from the stage with embarrassing regularity. Wren likes the cables and the drumsticks and tries to steal them at every opportunity.
My 'big' present was a complete surprise. Josh gave me an iPod touch. It is incredibly fun to play with and has all my photos and music on it. This afternoon I lay in bed and read a book while listening to Jim O'Rourke on the iPod. It was a good moment. I am now tempted to get more music since I haven't really kept up with music recently. It will also be great for running (I have started running again this week.)
In the late afternoon we went over to Laurie and Eric's for dinner. They made the most delectable pork roast and potatoes. Frost is not usually a big eater but he devoured all his vegetables. On Boxing Day we had this exchange:
I offered Frost a baked potato. As usual, he said "no". Then there was a pause. "Are they going to have those green things on them like last night? And salt?"
"Did you like the potatoes last night?" I asked.
"Like them? LIKE THEM? L-I-K-E T-H-E-M????" replied Frost. "I LOVED THEM. I worship them. I pray to those potatoes!"
So, I shall have to get the recipe sometime since Frost only eats mashed and fried potatoes and when I kid asks for something with herbs on, I must deliver.
Now, the pictures. Here are the kids on Christmas Eve playing on the sofa bed in the living room.
And a rare picture of me with Wren.
Wren was not too thrilled to be out in the snow on Christmas day but Frost rushed out with Elias in his T-shirt. After playing in the snow and building a mini-snowman he came running in saying his hands had pins and needles. He was very upset. I tried not to do an 'I told you so' moment but it was hard.
This is our Front yard in the snow.
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