Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Frost (6): You know what I have been doing in my room since I quitted Insane Aquarium?
Me: No
Frost: I have been trying to find out what Daddy's password is.
Me: Why do you want to do that?
Frost: So I can get into his things and see what is there!
Me: So how do you do it?
Frost: I have been trying to type his password but there is this green arrow button that says "have you forgotten your password?" So I click on the question and I click on the letters but I have no idea how to start and go into it. If you click the green arrow, I think, oh yeah! But I have to type that password like 5 times?
Me: So what do you type for the password.
Frost: Well, the question says to me "fraction" so I have no idea how to type that but I try to type that but I don't know if it actually was fraction. Can you come and see what I mean about logging onto Joshua's website thing?


Sidereal said...

If the FBI starts knocking on the door in about 10 years, we'll know where it started.

Shannon said...


After some probing he decided he wanted to play Majesty. Then he decided it was too hard.

He was sure you were keeping all the fun games for yourself behind the unbreachable password.