Monday, September 17, 2007

Wren on Sunday

Wren was generally happier today and between the two bouts of Tylenol he has enjoyed he has not had a fever. That is the good news. The bad news is that he is still obviously happier after Tylenol and extremely irritable, cries easily and wants to be carried most of the time. It is a rare moment right now that he is happy and unmedicated - he is playing with some musical shakers and is entertained enough to be okay.

From this I think he is in pain. It could be his teeth - the molars continue to swell but are not through anywhere. It could be something else I can't see. I really don't know. We will be taking him to the doctor to talk about it.

My nerves are shot because, without Joshua doing baby-care too (which he has been) Wren is very high maintenance and I can barely do anything unless I carry him.

Today, we went to the Pharmacy to get some more anti-fungal (Wren still has oral thrush which is a candida infection in his cheeks which is not supposed to bother them) and the pharmacist commented that his dosage is 1/2 of what is usually recommended. Since Wren is not having rapid improvement with the 1ml X 4 she suggested we walk to the doctor about it. We also bought some gauze so I can swab the inside of his cheeks to make the preparation more effective.

We also went to the library and found a huge pile of good books for Frost. Wren was very helpful. When he saw me removing books from the shelf he started pulling down piles of books and dumping them on the floor. I thanked him for his contribution and put them back. A little girl (age 3) was concerned and kept telling him "No, no!" and saying "I can't understand what he is saying" (he was babbling back to her).

Wren is overtired because he is taking such short naps so I am going to take him for a walk while the chicken roasts. Unfortunately, the babysitter we had organized to watch Wren Friday mornings while I do my school shift has decided she is over committed so we are once again looking for someone.

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