The day before they left (Friday) we went down to the UW climbing wall and Frost and Doug had a go. Douglas managed to overcome more obstacles and scaled greater heights but Frost reached the top of the angled wall and was both alarmed and excited by it. Frost is struggling with physical activities because of his injuries - badly scraped toes on one foot after an accident at the Seattle Center Fountain and a nasty scabbed knee from falling over at the wading pool. Neither injury takes bandaids well so they are getting reinjured daily. Yesterday Josh and Frost tried to play soccer at the park but it was too painful to kick the ball and Frost says he wishes summer was over so he could stop getting hurt.
Frost and Wren on the climbing wall:
Douglas spotting Frost while he does a big move.
Natasha and Frost do a circus trick.
Wren and I hang around and watch and eat pine cones, well, moments before he was eating them.
My mind remains addled because of sleep disruption. I am going to bed at 9.30 to be asleep before 10pm because Wren is goign to bed arond 6.15 and getting up at 4.45am (again). This sucks. Sorry, I have to say it. I have a new plan which is getting him to go to bed progressively later and seeing if I can keep wake-up time from staying the same. I am not sure how to make this happen other than hope hard enough. He actual night sleep is going well in his own room. Last night he cried for 5 mins at 11.30pm and midnight but Josh did not go in. He woke and nursed at 2.45 and then was up at 4.45 ARGH. I managed to stay in bed in the dark with him until Kitty Haiku came in and he tried to lurch off the bed to get the kitty.
This super early wakening gives me a very skewed view of the world. It seems that shops open ungodly late and it gets light late too ( I want to do the Trader Joes grocery shopping at 6.30am but it only opens at 9am. I walked to Safeway in my quest for Ranch Dressing and Dijon mustard and was home at 7.30am after an hour's walk. I guess it is good for my health and weightbeing (yes, I started Weight Watchers yesterday and other than the temptation of left-over Bengal Tiger dinner, did okay).
While Wren had morning nap Frost and I watched REading Rainbow about pioneer families. Frost wants to go and stay at a pioneer village for a vacation sometime. I think this is a mighty-fine idea - especially if one could do it yourself rather than visiting a pioneer theme park, but even so. He had a hard time with the idea that you couldn't pop home to get something you needed.
Yesterday, I noticed Wren has more white patches in his cheeks and I suspect a fungal yeast infection (again, although our ped through it was not so last time). I have been giving him borax homeopathic on advice from our naturopath who we will see next week. ITs a long weekend here for labor day so it won't be until Tuesday. Wren doesn't seem too fussy about it unless I have to schoop somethign out of his mouth like bark, catfood, lego etc.
Okay, time to give Wren his pear breakfast and then head of to the belatedly open Trader Joes.
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