Saturday, August 25, 2007

Skin issues sidetrack

At our last pediatrician appointment I pointed out a few marks which have appeared on Wren's skin. The three smaller ones are tiny pale brown marks called cafe au lait spots. His are less than 3mm across but were not there before. The pediatrician said that was nothing to be alarmed by but if he had or grew many more they would watch for a neurological condition called neurofibromatosis. Ick.

The fourth marking was there from birth but has thickened slightly and reddens when he is hot or cold. The pediatrician said she suspected a mastocytoma and scratched it to see if it caused "hives". I have since read that this is called a Darier sign. She said that Wren's did not form a hive quickly but by the time we were home it had blistered and looked like a little weal so that is probably what it is.

Today Frost finished his last summer camp - a play of Roger the Jolly Pirate. Here are some pictures I took of the final performance in the park. Frost was "Man 1" - one of the Admiral's men. He had a single solo line to say "it is a ghost!" and said so with a flourish before running over to tell me he had seen an inch worm on a tree.

Frost and Wren on the grass at the Good shepherd center:

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