Saturday, June 23, 2007

Morning Walks

The only advantage in waking up so early is that there is time for Wren and I to take a walk at my favorite time of day - when the light is still gentle and you can have both the sun and cool breeze.

This morning, I put Wren on my hip (leaving the expletives for the bedroom) and headed for the coffee machine. Woe was me when I found that all the ground coffee was finished. Its too noisy to grind more coffee in the dawning day because there is one thing worse than Wren up before 6am and that's Wren and Frost up before 6am. Instead, I got dressed and put Wren in the stroller and headed off for the Grateful Bread coffee house and bakery. It opens at 7am to an exclusive clientelle of dog walkers, commuters heading for buses and mothers with babies.

Wren chewed his teething toy the whole way which confirms my suspicion he is cutting another tooth. I shall try Tylenol tonight and see if he wakes less frequently. I admired and envied gardens along my route - the vegetable gardens seem far more advanced than ours - tomatoe bushes are huge, artichokes fully formed, blueberries clustering over the pathway and rhubarb that towers like a rainforest canopy.

As always, I clucked my tongue at the McMansions being squeezed onto every leveled lot and launched a silent diatribe at a man who arrived at one carrying a role of plans. "How can you be responsible for this monstrosity?" That one looked like a penitentiary with a maple outside. It was for people who need a huge room for each activity and a master bath that doubles as a day spa. Wren was content to grab leaves and try and chew rosepetals I suggested he sniff. He doesn't want to live in a McMansion either.

Frost was still not awake when we returned because of his terrible night but when I woke him he staggered out. He has been playing a game in which he piles monster trucks and waits for Wren to knock the pile over.

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