Thursday, May 17, 2007

Frost (and Wren at 5 months)

It was beautiful morning - bright golden sunlight in our yard against a backdrop of bruised purple storm clouds. Wren sat in the chair waiting for me to make breakfast - chewing on a toy - and slept tolerably well last night giving me that crucial 3 hour block of sleep TWICE. The sleep chart has been updated with lots of blue. The only spot against the sun this day is that little winged critters have invaded our food supply. I opened a box of raisins today (to make celery almond butter aka "ants on a log" for Frost's lunch) and bugs flew out. That is not good, right?

My feedback from yesterday's post about Wren at Five Months was that there was not enough about Frost while Wren is five months. Admittedly, this was from Granny who has a vested interest in both of the young things with Y chromosomes so I have decided to add a bit about the boys together.

The Digital Morning
To start with, Frost is still very digitally mesmerised. In the morning he has one TV show and its always Futurama. Futurama is his favorite show. He sits eating breakfast of cereal with soymilk on the side (or no milk at all) and then gets dressed. He likes to play with Wren who is often in the living room too and is especially pleased when Wren smiles and responds to him. This is pretty easy because Wren is very excited when he sees Frost - he hoots and flaps his arms, arches his back and straightens his legs rapidly in a bucking motion. If he's sitting up on a cushion he falls down.

After School
Frost comes home from school tired and flops his bag down. Wren follows him with his eyes. It is usually time for Wren's nap which works well because Frost isn't interested in being social just yet. After he wakes up we usually head out into the garden where Frost rushes around using the hose, or cars or action figures or sticks and Wren watches getting sprayed (by mistake or on purpose?) and generally taking the role of audience to all this action.

Frost and Wren bath together. Wren sits in a baby bath in the big tub and Frost complains he takes too much space but demands he be in the bath regardless. When Frost plays with Wren I feel he dances on the edge of catastrophe. He loves to splash, to make waves, to shout and dance like a hooligan. Wren is mesmerised but it makes me nervous and I am always hovering waiting to intervene. Yesterday I didn't intervene quickly enough and Wren fell on his face on the grass... more on that later.

And Its Foot Day!
This morning I noticed two new things on the Wren front. If naked, Wren can now grab his toes and pull them. He seemed fascinated by his feet and kept grabbing and pulling. This is not easy for him with a diaper but I am going to give him more naked time today to practice.

He has also started sucking the insdie of his cheek. I think its that crazy suck reflex he has and its easier than finding a thumb. I noticed it yesterday (even one of the pictures shows him doing it) - part of his lip sucked in - but its regular now.

1 comment:

Wyndi said...

i love the pictures you posted!! they are the cutest little guys! frost is so creative and wren is lucky to have a big brother who is so into him:) your doing a wonderful job with them:) thank you for sharing your boys:)