Thursday, April 12, 2007

Like a bird on a wire

Frost and Dylan had a playdate today and all I can say is "Halleluyah for the younger generation! " From the way they play I think that Frost is finally entering that stage of childhood which I remember in which grownups are believed to be slightly dim witted obstacles to freedom. I came to this conclusion when I was watching them playing with sticks in the front garden. They were hitting things and talking about it. Then they walked up the steps and starting hitting the electricity wires bringing power to our house!

I rushed out shouting at them with Wren dangling somewhat. They stopped. I asked what on earth they thought they were doing.

Frost: We are hitting the wires.
Dylan: We hit them already and we didn't get electrocuted.
Me: But if a wire was a bit broken you might get electrocuted. You should NEVER hit electrical wires.
Frost: But we threw a ball at them at Ariadne's party and you said it was safe!
Me: But electricity needs a pathway. It doesn't shoot through the air from the wire to the ball. Your stick is giving the electricity a pathway.
Both: The ball hit the wires!
Me: But then it flew through the air.
[Frost quietly examines his bamboo pole]
Dylan: But we can see where the wire is broken - its up there - we didn't hit there [pointing at the junction area]
Me: But sometimes wires can be broken in a way you can't see. It is much better not to hit them.
Frost: My bamboo can't be a pathway because its hollow!
Me: Okay. Its just a rule. No hitting the electricity wires. Do you agree?

There was reluctant assent and I stayed watching them until a new game was established.

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