Thursday, April 26, 2007

Another night

Last night Wren slept better than before iron but not as well as the night before. He slept 3.5 hours then another 3 hours before subsiding into his light sleep and liking to nurse routine. What is that about?

Meanwhile, Wren is being very clever with his hands thesedays. He occasionally passes an object from hand to hand - he did this with a spoon yesterday - and loves to grab anything in range. He often grasps onto my hair, my shirt or his own clothes. At dinner, I had him on my lap and he reached out and grabbed some lettuce from my plate and brought it to his mouth. Frost thought this was hysterical and kept trying to repeat the act by putting more lettuce within range.

At times i worry that I am not providing Wren with enough entertainment. At this stage Frost was still very noisy and unwilling to be set down. Wren is happy to sit in his bumbo and watch what I am doing so I set him down much more than I did with Frost. He always smiles when I make eye contact and smile at him and he gets very excited if you talk to him and make raspberry noises. Josh manages to have conversations with Wren in which they both make the bttththtththt noiss for a while and Frost is the champion of these spittle sessions with Wren.

Today we went to Fauntenroy Creek in West Seattle to release the salmon that KapKa have been raising from eggs. Wren was in the sling and Frost was very solemn and excited to release a salmon from a little plastic cup into the shallow stream. He asked and was given a second salmon cup to release and his cup had TWO salmon in it which led to complaints of inequity from his friends who also wanted another go.

I released a salmon too and wished it well. Perhaps one of our salmon will make it back to the creek to spawn in a few years.

Tonight we gave Wren a bedtime routine for the first time. It included PJ's, Darkened room, Goodnight Moon, Nursing adn then swaddling and setting him into bed. He was not impressed. After 5 minutes of waiting for us to do something interesting he started shouting and complaining. Josh rocked him to sleep while I did Frost's bedtime. Wren's bedtime was 8.00pm. We shall see how this works out in future. Wish me luck on this nights sleep (mis)adventure.


Wyndi said...

i think you are entertaining him well:) every child is different and if he were unhappy about things he would let you know:) He is just a happy soul and sounds like he loves to take everything in! He is so sweet! i hope that you have a good nights rest tonight maybe the first night was better because he had a lack of sleep due to the tummy iron things? and last night maybe his norm then? who knows but I do hope you all get some good rest!way to go on a bed time izzy still doesn't have one, she fights her sleep like a champ!

Shannon said...

Thanks Wyndi, I am not sure about the bedtime routine but everyone swears it is the way to go so I will give it a try. He sure needs more night sleep than he is getting when he sleeps from 9pm till 6am. He doesn't nap well either.

On Friday, will you be able to come out of the CAT recovery area or is it like the ICU type of place? I didn't realize they needed recovery time.. why is that? Did I tell you that our appointment is 2.30pm?

Wyndi said...

Steven will be with us on Friday. She has to be sedated and have contrast so she has to stay at least four hours in recovery hooked to all the monitors. She has to recover form the anesthesia. The recovery rooms for this are small, they are the pre op rooms (not sure if you have been there but maybe because of his cath?) I am not looking forward to the stress of the procedure the worry or the tiny room. I am nervous now, it never gets easier does it? I hope her ct scan shows only good news as I hope wrens ultra sounds show only good news. I do hope that you get answers and an easy none emergent healing fix to help his leg stay healthy. ok from the looks of my typing I am past my bedtime, lol! ugh!

Wyndi said...

oh her apt on friday starts at 830 am so we might be ready to go by your apt. I will have my cell but it most likely won't work in the room. Maybe I will pop out and see you guys since steven will be helping.

Shannon said...

Yes, I remember those tiny rooms. We were in the ingoing (not recovery) waiting rooms for 2 hours. They are also tiny...

I totally forgot she would have to be sedated and while it would be good to see you and hear how it went I can understand you just needing to hang out with her until you are discharged.

Wyndi said...

we are home from the ct scan they let us leave shortly after izzy woke up!!! we hope that wrens appointment goes well. If you have not been to radiology yet you check in at the same desk as cardiology and then walk back towards surgery and it will be on your left. we will be thinking of you and hoping for good news.