Saturday, February 10, 2007


I am not in a good mood. Wren slept like... nothing. He slept like someone not sleeping. Firstly, he fussed and cried right through the time I wanted to sit down and watch Gray's Anatomy then he carried right on past 10pm. By 10.45 I put him down and slept and he woke at midnight. After that he managed a bit over two hours (the longest stretch) and then we were onto 1 hour or less stints broken by crying that had me walking him up and down on the squeaky floorboards. I didn't get any sleep after 6am and not much before that so I feel I am back to square one.

Lets not talk about it anymore.


Anonymous said...

Hey Shannon,

Except for the fact that it only happens at night, this sounds like "simple" stomach issues. I guess the fact that it happens at night just has to do with the position he's sleeping in OR are you eating stuff at dinner that could not be agreeing with him? Maybe keep a log of what you're eating and see if you can find something there?

This restlessness happens to Ryan too but fortunately his is almost always tied to him needing to burp (again) or he has gas and the Mylicon helps.

Good luck.

Shannon said...

Heather, I have been thinking along the same lines. I suspect its dairy products (Frost was sensitive to dairy too). I went almost off dairy roughly at the time he started sleeping better (mainly by avoiding dairy icecream at night) but I had a bit of dairy yesterday. Perhaps that is what gave him a tummy ache?

I really didn't think just a little would affect him. Lets see how this plays out tonight.