Thursday, March 1, 2007

New sounds

I received a call from our pediatrician on Monday. She said that Wren had been discharged from Swedish without having received his newborn hearing screen. She suggested we call Swedish and schedule a test with the audiologist.

I was sceptical. I mean, I am pretty sure Wren can hear. He jumps when I clink the glasses and he gets excited when we talk to him. I called the Newborn Screening people at Swedish and expressed my doubts. The technician persuaded me that its still worth doing because he could hear in only one ear or be feeling vibrations. Hrmm.. them good vibrations?

Well, today Wren has been busy expressing himself with new noises so even if he can't hear properly that must still feel good.

He is squealing, trilling and burbling in a pretty way.

Oh, now he is crying so I better go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the hearing test izzy had where nonevasive, she has no mevement in her right ear and might not hear in that ear so she had more tests at childrens but all of them so far have been easy and she was happy though them all. it is a good idea to have them checked and is a simple test. Drs think that Izzy's hearing stuff is from the hemangioma on her eardrum. I hope that his test brings all good news:) better safe than sorry right? who knows ? wyndi and izzy