Friday, February 16, 2007

Bedtime stories

I had a lovely bedtime with "the kids" tonight. Wren sat in his chair sucking the binky and kicking with excitement and Frost lay on the floor with a pillow in one of the makeshift beds he likes to make. I was reading them baby board books. Frost was quite enamoured and Wren was agitated and engaged. We read The Very Quiet Cricket, As Quick as a Cricket and Baby I Spy. Frost is a bit grumpy that I wouldn't read "one more".

The experience was a reminder of how content can be received at different levels. Wren just liked me saying something and looking at him. Frost noticed things, asking questions like "do crickets make noise by rubbing their wings together?" and "why do they say 'as grumpy as a...". We even played games making up new similes.

So, it was a good evening. Now Wren is reluctant to go to bed and is whining about it in a half-awake half-asleep state. Better go and be the soothie.

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