Monday, January 8, 2007


Nothing new to report today. Wren has been nursing, spitting-up, sleeping, crying, looking around and all the other normal things babies do. I have had to remind myself to do the wound dressing and stuff because he looks so normal.

Without the ng tube Wren's fast breathing is not as noticable and he seems so much more comfortable. After feeding I carry him around very careful as any squeezing or horizontal time is liable to make him cover us both in milk but I am getting good at picking my moments for diaper change.

This afternoon I went to the eart-to-Heart Congenital Heart Defects Support Group which meets monthly at Seattle Children's Hospital. It is very reassuring to meet people for whom this stuff has become 'normal' and who know what a VSD or Coarc is without translation. That said, we had some very funny explanation of a "committed vs uncommitted ASD" from a couple whose unborn-baby has received a prenatal diagnosis of CHD.

After that I changed my milk-soaked clothing, had a good nap and am enjoying the bounty of food delivered by friends. A huge THANKYOU to all of you (and we are developing a real obsession for balsamic vinagrette).

Wren had a sponge-bath tonight and complained a great deal. He is now sleeping it off.

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