Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Infection & The Germ Machine

I took Frost to the doctor this morning and they confirmed he has "some kind of infection in the wound, probably either Strep or Staph." The doctor checked his lymph nodes and they seemed normal but she also noticed the line up the foot, the tenderness and the crustiness. She said its not clear whether it has spread into the tissues or is still superficial but since his temperature was borderline elevated (99.5) they felt it better to put him on an oral antibiotic.

He has it twice a day for 10 days.

He seems fine and we shall just keep an eye on it and return if it does not improve rapidly.

Here is a picture for Granny, probably the only one interested in our gory health issues.

Wren is also obsessed with germs since his cough cold illness. I told him he was coughing because his body was fighting germs in his chest. This morning he made a Germ Machine out of Tinkertoy. I shall try and upload the movie.

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