Saturday, January 16, 2010

Extreme weather for bus riders

The weather this morning is remarkable even for Seattle. Our hammock is blowing out like a spinnaker, the rain is driving horizontally against the windows and the usually sedate cedars are billowing like waves of green. Our bamboo's leaves are bright and glossy, bending over and startling up between gusts and the puddles are spreading across the street into sheets of water.

Wren's comments while waiting for the school bus.
"I must go inside. WAAAAH. It is freezing. What is there for my head? AHHHARRGH I can't see now."

I put Wren under a tree and he cowered there with his back to the wind and lashing rain, alternatively crying and wailing about the cold and the rain and the necessity to leave right now. He had insisted on scooting like Frost but gave up wisely.

Wren's comments as we reached the warmth of home:
"This wevver is very irritating. I am not going outside EVER EVER."

Wren's comments later.
"Mama, I think this is a flood."
"There is a storm TOday."

He is now playing with the Playmobil 1-2-3 house I had put out to sell. He is saying "it is a very stormy day in my house today. They need a table and stairs so they can go upstairs. They have to go up. "

My legs are soaked from the 10 minutes we were outside. Brrrrrr.

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