Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Wren is sick

Yesterday Wren complained of headache "that is gone in my legs too". I didn't check for a fever because he felt cool. This morning he still had "that headache that comes from my teeth" but was acting normal. I checked his ear temp just in case (Wren has never had a headache before) and it was 100.4. Now, an hour or so later it is 101.7.

I have called our pediatrician to see if she wants to check him for flu. I believe he would get Tamiflu if he had flu confirmed. He seems fine and has no coughing or respiratory symptoms although his throat lymph nodes are swollen. I am waiting to see what the pediatrician says. Meanwhile, hes had his Thymactiv, herbal elixar and cod liver oil. He is munching on apple and watching Zaboomafoo - this episode is on Meerkats.

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