Friday, August 14, 2009

Bobcats, Cougars and linuxes

For better or worse, Frost is a child of the digital age. This week I took him, Wren and Isaac to Northwest Trek to see the animals and make the tram ride around the wildlife park. We had a fun time although Wren was exhausted on the tram from missing naptime.

We saw huge bison and moose and were excited by the elk entering the rut, rubbing the velvet off their horns to become more sexy.

Anyway, Frost and Isaac really enjoyed the forest animals best. They loved the wolverine and the fisher (Apparently the fisher needs a bit of a PR campaign. Perhaps it should appear on Diego or Zaboomafoo. "What is that?" "Its an otter/ferret / badger" "Is it?"" was the most common conversation at its window).

Frost wanted to see the cats but we didn't have time. He called them the "bobcats, cougars and linuxes." Apparently linux is more familiar to him than a lynx.

Wren and Frost are now dueling over the small stuffy possum we were given in exchange for a donation at the entrance. Wren wept because he couldn't find "baby poss" at naptime. This adds poss to the essential sleeping equipment of:

1) Soft shirt
2) Small bun[ny]
3) Big bun
4) Baby Poss

I need to run, Diego is over....

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