Monday, May 11, 2009

Welcome to the chickie-chick-chicks

This weekend we drove out to Monroe Farm and Feed and bought some chicks for our backyard. They were living in big tin bins sorted by breed. We bought one Americauna, one Rhode Island Red & and one light Brahma. The Americauna is the smallest - still fluffy and without feathers while the other two have some feathers on wings and tail and are tufting out elsewhere.

Here is their home in the basement. We have a heat lamp which we are keeping angled to ensure a part of the box is around 90 degrees while there are cooler areas.

The chicks have names. The tiny one is Chippy - short for Chipmunk because of her striped back. The Brahma is named Sylvia (by Joshua) because "it is a nice name and means something abou the forest." The Rhode Island Red is named Ruby - because she is reddish. Here are Sylvia and Chippy in their box.

They enjoy periods of outside playtime when they lurk in the herb garden or shrubbery. They are cautious and remain undercover if possible. They also peep loudly if separated from their friends. They copy each other - if one pecks at something they all investigate and if one startles they all leap up and try to fly.

We are going to keep them sleeping indoors until Chippy is 6 weeks and it warms up. Meanwhile, we are going to cool down their heat from the light as times goes on.

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