Friday, March 27, 2009

Jet Lag Day 1

Apparently you cannot simply keep kids up until their new bedtime and expect them to sleep through the night. Wren went to bed at 8pm and woke at 1am, 2am, 3am and then was up for the day. Yes, 3am. I cajoled and kept lights off. We read a few books in half-light and Wren persisted in his sing-song question "all done nap time?" I wasn't all done of course.

Eventually, at 4.45am I let him get up officially and turn lights on. That was the cue for Katie and James to join us - apparently they had been woken at 3am too and were waiting for someone to stir.

We tried to encapsulate ourselves in the kitchen and front playroom but its a small house and with the wooden floors I don't think anyone got much sleep after the wee hours. Sandy is sitting on the couch with her laptop looking like an owl at midday. I think we will all enjoy a nap later.

The fun continues despite sleep deprivation. Stacey is chasing down a cockroach which is climbing up the kitchen wall. Wren and Frost and James have had nuttella on toast for 1st breakfast. Wren has also had cornflakes for first breakfast.

Roger: "Why don't you smack it with a newspaper?"
Stacey: "Because I don't feel like killing anything right now"
Roger: Ok, this is what you do. You need some paper.
Stacey: Its in here (indicating red plastic cup upended over the cockroach)
Roger: Now you take it outside and say 'fly cockroach fly, be free!"
Stacey: It wasn't happy to be trapped but it is happy to be free!

Ten year olds are a lot more help than 7 year old boys!

It is still dark and slightly rainy and we are going to catch a train to the city to see the Sydney Harbor area and go to the Darling Harbor chocolate shop - the Lindt Chocolat Cafe.

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