Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Quick post about the joy of mushrooms

Mum and I both share a love of collecting. We enjoy equally the hunt through a thrift store for a bargain and the forage through the undergrowth for a tasty mushroom. Last week Mum and I took Wren mushroom hunting (and walking) in Seward Park. It was a lovely gray day with low cloud but no rain. We didn't find any edible tasty mushrooms but Wren realized what we were doing and started to blunder through the bracken saying "MUSHOOM, I find MUSHOOM!"

He collected a mixed bag of little white mushrooms (which we told him you CAN NOT EAT IT) and was very proud. Here we are in Seward Park.

A few days before we found a large button of a shaggy lepiota (macrolepiota rachodes) under a fir. It was very easy to recognize and identify (we used a few guides to confirm it!) and we shared it on toast. DELICIOUS. I am now a voracious seeker of this mushroom. Unfortunately the cold freeze will have ruined the patch I found which included some more buttons which were not ready yet.

Here is Wren throwing a pebble into Lake Washington on the shores of Seward Park.

Frost types his first blog entry:

"my mom is part of a mushroom club."

1 comment:

tamusana said...

On the subject of collecting.... I seem to recall going on a "nature walk" with you (many, many moons ago) somewhere around Durban, and ending up feeling very put out when my mum would not let me keep my new collection of animal dung inside the house :-)