Sunday, November 16, 2008

Not normal but happy

Yes, we are still here. Drinking chamomile tea and trying to relax and tell Wren to take it easy. He is still wobbly on his feet after naps and I am trying not to panic and think he had a stroke or is damaged neurologically. Granny and Josh say it is due to the effects of drugs and being in bed a week. He improves after being up half an hour.

We drove to the coast this afternoon. It was beautiful - brilliant blue skies, tepid weather - lovely big waves with a few surfers - and kept Wren in one place for a couple of hours. We carried him about but he loved to dig and explore the sand on his own.

Wren and Frost played being "geologists" in the pebbled sea-cliffs of Half Moon Bay. Wren said "I found it" and collected rocks. Frost collected "samples" for his collection.

Too tired to write but all is well. Of course I remain fearful - I jump at things and worry about how long this will last... I want it to be forever but its not.

Anyway, Wren had a great day. He remains anxious and won't bath. He dislikes having his belly or chest touched and does not like to change clothes. If he sees pictures of himself in hospital he says "Wren had owie."

I hope he feels better and regains his confidence and well-being soon. Being at the beach definitely helped.


tamusana said...

It's fabulous that you're able to help Wren recuperate at the beach... in November! I do hope that his unsteadiness subsides -- it does sound normal (to the layperson), given what he's been through. Is there someone (medical) you can talk to if you're really concerned about it?

Enjoy the Bay area while you can.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

good ... sounds fun

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...

oh, i'm sure you do this.. but before we go anywhere outside of vegas.. i have called hospitals on the way to be sure they have a pediatric hospital (with cardiology) and make sure they take my insurance... and i keep phone numbers in my phone...

i know of a family that went back east and none of the facilities were under their plan and it cost them tens of thousands....

Dina said...

Hi Shannon
Thanks for sharing your thoughts over on Jilly's blog. I hope too that we'll be able to find some happy middle ground and still keep her active.

I have been following your whole journey with Wren's latest surgery and I'm just so glad and amazed with how smoothly things went. It sounds like he is healing nicely and making a good adjustment.

Take care