Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Wren has been prepared for transfer to 3-West. I left at 2pm to change shifts with Joshua and we received word that he will be transferred at 2.30pm. They are moving a patient from the critical-care hub of the CVICU into our spot and a new post-operative patient is coming into the unit.

Our room has already changed a lot today. The two older kids with pulmonary valve replacements were discharged. Not just to the floor, but home! Wren was third in line for the Ward but because they were discharged he got to go early.

We are very excited but now have to take a greater responsibility for his moment-to-moment care and will sleep in the room with him.

While I was there over lunch he had his central line removed and his dressing changed. The incision looks excellent. He now has only his chest tube, left arm IV and the pacer wires which stick out of his chest in an alarming way. Frost's friend Dylan would find it fascinating because they look just like wires to plug into something (which they are, kind of). They are there for "an emergency" and will be one of the last things to be removed.

Here is Wren having his echo done yesterday. He was very good and watched a video about animals which included the fascinating fact that sloths can swim. We saw a segment of swimming sloths in a swamp. Its enough to take your mind off things.

Here is Wren this afternoon, shortly before central line removal. The central line goes into his neck and you can see the little white disc covering it. You can also see his "big bandaid" - the blue splint - which stops him bending his arm and occluding the IV. He is playing on the telphone, calling Ky-ky and saying "ello" in a singsong voice.


Heather Jandusay said...

Awww, "ky ky" was so happy that you called him!! We mailed you a card today, and he has since drawn you another picture that he will give you when he sees you.. You look great Wren and we are very proud of your progress...

Sasha said...

I am glad to see baby Wren is doing okay. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Josie said...

Such wonderful news! It's great to see Wren playing and to hear how well he's doing. We miss all of you!

Jane said...

Hi Shannon,

Sorry about not posting until now. I've been too absorbed in my own bad news over here to reach out :(

I'm soooo glad to see Wren progressing and going to the floor. I'll be hoping and praying that he can get many, many years out of the improvement they've given him.

Thinking about you and checking in every day, even if I'm not piping up!